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As every month, you'll find a new copy-and-paste email template to inform your colleagues about our latest news and training courses. Feel free to personalize this message to reflect your style and that of your team 🖋️


Subject: Join the Wooclap Community

Dear colleagues,

As some of you may know, we have a pedagogical partnership with Wooclap, an interactive tool that is used to increase student engagement.

Wooclap have just launched their Wooclap English Community. This is a shared learning space for educators, trainers and learning professionals across the world! Join us and feel free to share the link to explore fresh ideas, exchange best practices, and stay ahead with early product updates.

Don’t delay and join the community today!

Haven’t yet tried Wooclap in your classroom?

Take some inspiration from this article created by our team and share your thoughts with the rest of the Community!

If you have any questions or feedback don’t hesitate to let me know.

Have a great day,

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Optional paragraph: Wooclap AI

Access to Wooclap AI has been activated on your account. Haven’t tried it yet or don’t know how it works and want to find out more? Team Wooclap are running an AI training session !! **Register here Tuesday February 11th 4pm (CET)**


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Optional visual:

wooclap community EN.jpeg
